Oh The Pain Of Wanting To Be Special
‘Oh, The Pain Of Wanting To Be Special’ is an introductory track from Adhamh Roland’s upcoming album, entitled ‘Belong’, set to be released in late 2022. Adhamh is a genderqueer visionary activist who sings about resilience, human experience, evolution, interconnectedness and freedom from cycles of violence and oppression. He hails from St. Louis, Missouri where he began his music career as a street performer at age 13. His multi-faceted and thoughtful songwriting integrates the many journeys his life has offered him; from the geographic, to the socio-political, to the spiritual. His songs embrace contradiction and dismantle duality in a poetic fabric of story, melody and spirit. Adhamh currently lives in Clackamas, Cowlitz and Multnomah Territory (Portland, OR) where he works as a hospital chaplain informed by Buddhist teachings. Visit his website to get updates about the release of Belong and get in touch: www.adhamhroland.com